How I Found My Purpose

Health coach Mandy Torres sitting poolside, image for blog about finding purpose

My Journey to Finding Purpose

Growing up as a dancer, athlete, and A+ student, finding purpose wasn’t something I was too concerned about. The only thing I was truly passionate about was dance, which I had been practicing since I was 4-years old. After college and grad school, both focused on dance, I moved to New York City with the hope of making a career out of it. Living in NYC was fun, but the audition process was brutal. I never felt confident going into my auditions, I often felt judged and looked upon like I wasn’t good enough. I would come home depressed and angry afterward, and eventually, my husband asked a question I hadn’t asked myself: was I happy? It was the first time I allowed myself to think about this and realized how degrading and unfulfilling this pursuit was for me. It no longer felt like my purpose or brought me the joy I felt when I was dancing freely, and it was then I understood something needed to change.



Sometimes, the best things come from necessity. While I figured out the next thing, I needed to make some money and came across a job listing for a barre instructor position. They were looking for dancers, so I thought, “Why not?” The interview was a lot of fun, and I got the job! As I started teaching classes, I quickly realized this was where I was meant to be. My helpful nature allowed me to inspire, motivate, and encourage women of all ages to get fit, stay healthy, and reach their goals. This grew into a passion and led me to become driven to expand my knowledge in personal training and nutrition coaching, which eventually led to my health coaching career. Along the way, I have enjoyed listening, learning, and helping so many amazing people. I truly feel like I have found my purpose, and have loved every second of this journey.


You Can Too!

There is something incredible about doing what you love, sharing it with others, and knowing you are making a positive impact on people’s lives. Purpose is essential for every human being to feel happy and content. This is why I started With Purpose Health Coaching. Everyone deserves to find purpose in their lives. Whether it’s in your job, love life, or health, it should all bring you the happiness you deserve. And YOU DO DESERVE IT! If someone is telling you that you can’t achieve your goals, they aren’t going to help you make the changes you need. Surround yourself with positive people who support and love you, and pursue whatever you want to become the person you most want to be. You are capable of change, just as I am. Push the self-doubt away and start your day believing in yourself!

xo Mandy


Picture of Mandy Torres

Mandy Torres

I'm Mandy; a health coach, fitness trainer, and nutrition coach. I love helping others find a purpose in health and wellness, rescuing dogs, and traveling the beautiful landscape of Costa Rica with my husband.

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